Interface TestElement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Controller, Sampler
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBoltTestElement, AbstractJDBCProcessor, AbstractJDBCTestElement, AbstractListenerElement, AbstractSampler, AbstractScopedAssertion, AbstractScopedTestElement, AbstractTestElement, AbstractThreadGroup, AccessLogSampler, AjpSampler, AnchorModifier, Argument, Arguments, AuthManager, Authorization, BackendListener, BaseJMSSampler, BeanShellAssertion, BeanShellListener, BeanShellPostProcessor, BeanShellPreProcessor, BeanShellSampler, BeanShellTestElement, BeanShellTimer, BoltConnectionElement, BoltSampler, BoundaryExtractor, BSFAssertion, BSFListener, BSFPostProcessor, BSFPreProcessor, BSFSampler, BSFTestElement, BSFTimer, CacheManager, CompareAssertion, ConfigTestElement, ConstantThroughputTimer, ConstantTimer, Cookie, CookieManager, CounterConfig, CriticalSectionController, CSVDataSet, DataSourceElement, DebugPostProcessor, DebugSampler, DNSCacheManager, DurationAssertion, ForeachController, FTPSampler, GaussianRandomTimer, GenericController, Header, HeaderManager, HTMLAssertion, HtmlExtractor, HTTPArgument, HTTPFileArg, HTTPFileArgs, HttpMirrorControl, HTTPSampler, HTTPSamplerBase, HTTPSamplerProxy, IfController, IncludeController, InterleaveControl, JavaConfig, JavaSampler, JDBCPostProcessor, JDBCPreProcessor, JDBCSampler, JMESPathAssertion, JMESPathExtractor, JMSProperties, JMSProperty, JMSSampler, JSONPathAssertion, JSONPostProcessor, JSR223Assertion, JSR223Listener, JSR223PostProcessor, JSR223PreProcessor, JSR223Sampler, JSR223TestElement, JSR223Timer, JUnitSampler, KeystoreConfig, LDAPArgument, LDAPArguments, LDAPExtSampler, LDAPSampler, LoginConfig, LoopController, MailerModel, MailerResultCollector, MailReaderSampler, MD5HexAssertion, ModuleController, MongoScriptSampler, MongoSourceElement, OnceOnlyController, OnErrorTestElement, PoissonRandomTimer, PostThreadGroup, PreciseThroughputTimer, ProxyControl, PublisherSampler, RandomController, RandomOrderController, RandomTimer, RandomVariableConfig, RecordingController, RegexExtractor, RegExUserParameters, RemoteListenerWrapper, RemoteSampleListenerWrapper, RemoteTestListenerWrapper, RemoteThreadsListenerWrapper, ResponseAssertion, ResultAction, ResultCollector, ResultSaver, RunTime, SampleTimeout, ScriptingTestElement, SetupThreadGroup, SizeAssertion, SMIMEAssertionTestElement, SmtpSampler, StaticHost, SubscriberSampler, SubstitutionElement, Summariser, SwitchController, SyncTimer, SystemSampler, TCPSampler, TestAction, TestFragmentController, TestPlan, ThreadGroup, ThroughputController, TransactionController, TransactionSampler, UniformRandomTimer, URLRewritingModifier, UserParameters, WhileController, WorkBench, XMLAssertion, XMLSchemaAssertion, XPath2Assertion, XPath2Extractor, XPathAssertion, XPathExtractor

public interface TestElement extends Cloneable
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • addTestElement

      void addTestElement(TestElement child)
    • clearTestElementChildren

      void clearTestElementChildren()
      This method should clear any test element properties that are merged by addTestElement(TestElement).
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, String value)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, String value, String dflt)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, boolean value)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, boolean value, boolean dflt)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, int value)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, int value, int dflt)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String name, long value)
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String name, long value, long dflt)
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Check if ENABLED property is present and true ; defaults to true
      true if element is enabled
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Set the enabled status of the test element
      enabled - the status to set
    • isRunningVersion

      boolean isRunningVersion()
      Returns true or false whether the element is the running version.
      true if the element is the running version
    • isTemporary

      boolean isTemporary(JMeterProperty property)
      Test whether a given property is only a temporary resident of the TestElement
      property - the property to be tested
      true if property is temporary
    • setTemporary

      void setTemporary(JMeterProperty property)
      Indicate that the given property should be only a temporary property in the TestElement
      property - void
    • getPropertyAsBoolean

      boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String key)
      Return a property as a boolean value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • getPropertyAsBoolean

      boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Return a property as a boolean value or a default value if no property could be found.
      key - the name of the property to get
      defaultValue - the default value to use
      the value of the property, or defaultValue if no property could be found
    • getPropertyAsLong

      long getPropertyAsLong(String key)
      Return a property as a long value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • getPropertyAsLong

      long getPropertyAsLong(String key, long defaultValue)
      Return a property as a long value or a default value if no property could be found.
      key - the name of the property to get
      defaultValue - the default value to use
      the value of the property, or defaultValue if no property could be found
    • getPropertyAsInt

      int getPropertyAsInt(String key)
      Return a property as an int value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • getPropertyAsInt

      int getPropertyAsInt(String key, int defaultValue)
      Return a property as an int value or a default value if no property could be found.
      key - the name of the property to get
      defaultValue - the default value to use
      the value of the property, or defaultValue if no property could be found
    • getPropertyAsFloat

      float getPropertyAsFloat(String key)
      Return a property as a float value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • getPropertyAsDouble

      double getPropertyAsDouble(String key)
      Return a property as a double value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • setRunningVersion

      void setRunningVersion(boolean run)
      Make the test element the running version, or make it no longer the running version. This tells the test element that it's current state must be retrievable by a call to recoverRunningVersion(). It is kind of like making the TestElement Read- Only, but not as strict. Changes can be made and the element can be modified, but the state of the element at the time of the call to setRunningVersion() must be recoverable.
      run - flag whether this element should be the running version
    • recoverRunningVersion

      void recoverRunningVersion()
      Tells the test element to return to the state it was in when setRunningVersion(true) was called.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clear the TestElement of all data.
    • getPropertyAsString

      String getPropertyAsString(String key)
      Return a property as a string value.
      key - the name of the property to get
      the value of the property
    • getPropertyAsString

      String getPropertyAsString(String key, String defaultValue)
      Return a property as an string value or a default value if no property could be found.
      key - the name of the property to get
      defaultValue - the default value to use
      the value of the property, or defaultValue if no property could be found
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(JMeterProperty property)
      Sets and overwrites a property in the TestElement. This call will be ignored if the TestElement is currently a "running version".
      property - the property to be set
    • getProperty

      JMeterProperty getProperty(String propName)
      Given the name of the property, returns the appropriate property from JMeter. If it is null, a NullProperty object will be returned.
      propName - the name of the property to get
      JMeterProperty stored under the name, or NullProperty if no property can be found
    • propertyIterator

      PropertyIterator propertyIterator()
      Get a Property Iterator for the TestElements properties.
    • removeProperty

      void removeProperty(String key)
      Remove property stored under the key
      key - name of the property to be removed
    • clone

      Object clone()
    • traverse

      void traverse(TestElementTraverser traverser)
      Convenient way to traverse a test element.
      traverser - The traverser that is notified of the contained elements
    • getThreadContext

      JMeterContext getThreadContext()
      Returns the threadContext.
    • setThreadContext

      void setThreadContext(JMeterContext threadContext)
      threadContext - The threadContext to set.
    • getThreadName

      String getThreadName()
      Returns the threadName.
      the threadName.
    • setThreadName

      void setThreadName(String threadName)
      Configures thread name.
      threadName - the threadName to set.
    • canRemove

      boolean canRemove()
      Called by Remove to determine if it is safe to remove the element. The element can either clean itself up, and return true, or the element can return false.
      true if safe to remove the element
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of this test element
      name of this element
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Associates a name with this element.
      name - to be associated
    • getComment

      String getComment()
      Returns comment associated with this element.
      comment associated with this element
    • setComment

      void setComment(String comment)
      Associates a comment with this element
      comment - to be associated
    • removed

      default void removed()
      Called when the test element is removed from the test plan. Must not throw any exception