Class GuiPackage

All Implemented Interfaces:
UndoHistory.HistoryListener, LocaleChangeListener

public final class GuiPackage extends Object implements LocaleChangeListener, UndoHistory.HistoryListener
GuiPackage is a static class that provides convenient access to information about the current state of JMeter's GUI. Any GUI class can grab a handle to GuiPackage by calling the static method getInstance() and then use it to query the GUI about it's state. When actions, for instance, need to affect the GUI, they typically use GuiPackage to get access to different parts of the GUI.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static GuiPackage getInstance()
      Retrieve the singleton GuiPackage instance.
      the GuiPackage instance (may be null, e.g in non-Gui mode)
    • registerAsListener

      public void registerAsListener()
      Register as listener of: - UndoHistory - Locale Changes
    • initInstance

      public static void initInstance(JMeterTreeListener listener, JMeterTreeModel treeModel)
      When GuiPackage is requested for the first time, it should be given handles to JMeter's Tree Listener and TreeModel.
      listener - the TreeListener for JMeter's test tree
      treeModel - the model for JMeter's test tree
    • getGui

      public JMeterGUIComponent getGui(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement node)
      Get a JMeterGUIComponent for the specified test element. If the GUI has already been created, that instance will be returned. Otherwise, if a GUI component of the same type has been created, and the component is not marked as an UnsharedComponent, that shared component will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance of the component will be created. The TestElement's GUI_CLASS property will be used to determine the appropriate type of GUI component to use.
      node - the test element which this GUI is being created for
      the GUI component corresponding to the specified test element
    • getGui

      public JMeterGUIComponent getGui(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement node, Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass)
      Get a JMeterGUIComponent for the specified test element. If the GUI has already been created, that instance will be returned. Otherwise, if a GUI component of the same type has been created, and the component is not marked as an UnsharedComponent, that shared component will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance of the component will be created.
      node - the test element which this GUI is being created for
      guiClass - the fully qualified class name of the GUI component which will be created if it doesn't already exist
      testClass - the fully qualified class name of the test elements which have to be edited by the returned GUI component
      the GUI component corresponding to the specified test element
    • removeNode

      @API(since="5.3", status=MAINTAINED) public void removeNode(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement node)
      Remove a test element from the tree. This removes the reference to any associated GUI component.
      node - the test element being removed
    • getCurrentGui

      public JMeterGUIComponent getCurrentGui()
      Convenience method for grabbing the gui for the current node.
      the GUI component associated with the currently selected node
    • getNodeOf

      public JMeterTreeNode getNodeOf(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement userObject)
      Find the JMeterTreeNode for a certain TestElement object.
      userObject - the test element to search for
      the tree node associated with the test element
    • createTestElement

      public org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement createTestElement(Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass)
      Create a TestElement corresponding to the specified GUI class.
      guiClass - the fully qualified class name of the GUI component or a TestBean class for TestBeanGUIs.
      testClass - the fully qualified class name of the test elements edited by this GUI component.
      the test element corresponding to the specified GUI class.
    • createTestElement

      public org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement createTestElement(String objClass)
      Create a TestElement for a GUI or TestBean class.

      This is a utility method to help actions do with one single String parameter.

      objClass - the fully qualified class name of the GUI component or of the TestBean subclass for which a TestBeanGUI is wanted.
      the test element corresponding to the specified GUI class.
    • updateCurrentGui

      public void updateCurrentGui()
      Update the GUI for the currently selected node. The GUI component is configured to reflect the settings in the current tree node.
    • refreshCurrentGui

      public void refreshCurrentGui()
      Refresh GUI from node state. This method does not update the current node from GUI at the difference of updateCurrentGui()
    • updateCurrentNode

      public void updateCurrentNode()
      This method should be called in order for GuiPackage to change the current node. This will save any changes made to the earlier node before choosing the new node.
    • getCurrentNode

      public JMeterTreeNode getCurrentNode()
    • getCurrentElement

      public org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement getCurrentElement()
    • setDirty

      public void setDirty(boolean dirty)
      The dirty property is a flag that indicates whether there are parts of JMeter's test tree that the user has not saved since last modification. Various Command actions set this property when components are modified/created/saved.
      dirty - the new value of the dirty flag
    • isDirty

      public boolean isDirty()
      Retrieves the state of the 'dirty' property, a flag that indicates if there are test tree components that have been modified since they were last saved.
      true if some tree components have been modified since they were last saved, false otherwise
    • addSubTree

      public HashTree addSubTree(HashTree subTree) throws IllegalUserActionException
      Add a subtree to the currently selected node.
      subTree - the subtree to add.
      the resulting subtree starting with the currently selected node
      IllegalUserActionException - if a subtree cannot be added to the currently selected node
    • getCurrentSubTree

      public HashTree getCurrentSubTree()
      Get the currently selected subtree.
      the subtree of the currently selected node
    • getTreeModel

      public JMeterTreeModel getTreeModel()
      Get the model for JMeter's test tree.
      the JMeter tree model
    • getReplacer

      public ValueReplacer getReplacer()
      Get a ValueReplacer for the test tree.
      a ValueReplacer configured for the test tree
    • setMainFrame

      public void setMainFrame(MainFrame newMainFrame)
      Set the main JMeter frame.
      newMainFrame - the new JMeter main frame
    • getMainFrame

      public MainFrame getMainFrame()
      Get the main JMeter frame.
      the main JMeter frame
    • getTreeListener

      public JMeterTreeListener getTreeListener()
      Get the listener for JMeter's test tree.
      the JMeter test tree listener
    • setMainToolbar

      public void setMainToolbar(JToolBar newToolbar)
      Set the main JMeter toolbar.
      newToolbar - the new JMeter main toolbar
    • getMainToolbar

      public JToolBar getMainToolbar()
      Get the main JMeter toolbar.
      the main JMeter toolbar
    • displayPopUp

      public void displayPopUp(MouseEvent e, JPopupMenu popup)
      Display the specified popup menu with the source component and location from the specified mouse event.
      e - the mouse event causing this popup to be displayed
      popup - the popup menu to display
    • displayPopUp

      public void displayPopUp(Component invoker, MouseEvent e, JPopupMenu popup)
      Display the specified popup menu at the location specified by a mouse event with the specified source component.
      invoker - the source component
      e - the mouse event causing this popup to be displayed
      popup - the popup menu to display
    • localeChanged

      public void localeChanged(LocaleChangeEvent event)
      Specified by:
      localeChanged in interface LocaleChangeListener
    • invalidateCachedUi

      public void invalidateCachedUi()
    • updateUIForHiddenComponents

      @API(since="5.3", status=EXPERIMENTAL) public void updateUIForHiddenComponents()
      Tells hidden GUI components to update UIs when they are shown.

      When Look and Feel (or zoom scaling) changes, only visible components are updated. The hidden ones are updated as they are shown.

    • setTestPlanFile

      public void setTestPlanFile(String f)
      Sets the filepath of the current test plan. It's shown in the main frame title and used on saving.
      f - The filepath of the current test plan
    • getTestPlanFile

      public String getTestPlanFile()
    • clearTestPlan

      public void clearTestPlan()
      Clears the test plan and associated objects. Clears the test plan file name.
    • clearTestPlan

      public void clearTestPlan(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement element)
      Clears the test plan element and associated object
      element - to clear
    • showErrorMessage

      public static void showErrorMessage(String message, String title)
    • showInfoMessage

      public static void showInfoMessage(String message, String title)
    • showWarningMessage

      public static void showWarningMessage(String message, String title)
    • showMessage

      public static void showMessage(String message, String title, int type)
    • unregister

      public void unregister(Stoppable stoppableToUnregister)
      Unregister stoppable
      stoppableToUnregister - Stoppable to unregister
    • register

      public void register(Stoppable stoppable)
      Register process to stop on reload
      stoppable - The Stoppable to be registered
    • getStoppables

      public List<Stoppable> getStoppables()
      copy of list of Stoppables
    • setMenuItemLoggerPanel

      public void setMenuItemLoggerPanel(JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItemLoggerPanel)
      Set the menu item LoggerPanel.
      menuItemLoggerPanel - The menu item LoggerPanel
    • getMenuItemLoggerPanel

      public JCheckBoxMenuItem getMenuItemLoggerPanel()
      Get the menu item LoggerPanel.
      the menu item LoggerPanel
    • setMenuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel

      public void setMenuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel(JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel)
      Set the menu item SaveBeforeRunPanel.
      menuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel - The menu item SaveBeforeRunPanel
    • getMenuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel

      public JCheckBoxMenuItem getMenuItemSaveBeforeRunPanel()
      Get the menu item SaveBeforeRunPanel.
      the menu item SaveBeforeRunPanel
    • setLoggerPanel

      public void setLoggerPanel(LoggerPanel loggerPanel)
      loggerPanel - LoggerPanel
    • getLoggerPanel

      public LoggerPanel getLoggerPanel()
      the loggerPanel
    • undo

      public void undo()
      Navigate back through undo history
    • redo

      public void redo()
      Navigate forward through undo history
    • canRedo

      public boolean canRedo()
      true if history contains redo item
    • canUndo

      public boolean canUndo()
      true if history contains undo item
    • notifyChangeInHistory

      public void notifyChangeInHistory(UndoHistory history)
      Called when history changes, it updates toolbar
      Specified by:
      notifyChangeInHistory in interface UndoHistory.HistoryListener
    • getNamingPolicy

      public TreeNodeNamingPolicy getNamingPolicy()
    • getLogEventBus

      public GuiLogEventBus getLogEventBus()
    • beginUndoTransaction

      public void beginUndoTransaction()
      Begin a group of actions modeled as 1 undo
    • endUndoTransaction

      public void endUndoTransaction()
      End a group of actions modeled as 1 undo
    • shouldSaveBeforeRunByPreference

      public boolean shouldSaveBeforeRunByPreference()
      Should Save Before Run by Preference Only
    • setSaveBeforeRunByPreference

      public void setSaveBeforeRunByPreference(boolean saveBeforeRun)
      Should Save Before Run by Preference Only
      saveBeforeRun - boolean
    • shouldSaveBeforeRun

      public boolean shouldSaveBeforeRun()
      Should Save Before Run Decide by Preference and if not exists by Property
      boolean Should Save Before Run
    • addTestPlanListener

      public void addTestPlanListener(TestPlanListener listener)
      Adds a test plan listener.
      listener - to add
    • removeTestPlanListener

      public void removeTestPlanListener(TestPlanListener listener)
      Removes a test plan listener.
      listener - to remove