Class InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient

All Implemented Interfaces:

@AutoService(BackendListenerClient.class) public class InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient extends Object implements BackendListenerClient
Implementation of BackendListenerClient to write the response times of every sample to InfluxDB. If more "raw" information is required in InfluxDB then this class can be extended or another BackendListener InfluxdbBackendListenerClient can be used to send aggregate information to InfluxDB.
  • Constructor Details

    • InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient

      public InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient()
    • InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient

      public InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient(org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.backend.influxdb.InfluxdbMetricsSender sender)
      Used for testing.
      sender - the InfluxdbMetricsSender to use
  • Method Details

    • setupTest

      public void setupTest(BackendListenerContext context) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: BackendListenerClient
      Do any initialization required by this client. It is generally recommended to do any initialization such as getting parameter values here rather than BackendListenerClient.handleSampleResults(List, BackendListenerContext) in order to add as little overhead as possible to the test.
      Specified by:
      setupTest in interface BackendListenerClient
      context - provides access to initialization parameters.
      Exception - when setup fails
    • teardownTest

      public void teardownTest(BackendListenerContext context)
      Description copied from interface: BackendListenerClient
      Do any clean-up required at the end of a test run.
      Specified by:
      teardownTest in interface BackendListenerClient
      context - provides access to initialization parameters.
    • handleSampleResults

      public void handleSampleResults(List<SampleResult> sampleResults, BackendListenerContext context)
      Description copied from interface: BackendListenerClient
      Handle sampleResults, this can be done in many ways:
      • Write to a file
      • Write to a remote server
      • ...
      Specified by:
      handleSampleResults in interface BackendListenerClient
      sampleResults - List of SampleResult
      context - provides access to initialization parameters.
    • getDefaultParameters

      public Arguments getDefaultParameters()
      Description copied from interface: BackendListenerClient
      Provide a list of parameters which this test supports. Any parameter names and associated values returned by this method will appear in the GUI by default so the user doesn't have to remember the exact names. The user can add other parameters which are not listed here. If this method returns null then no parameters will be listed. If the value for some parameter is null then that parameter will be listed in the GUI with an empty value.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultParameters in interface BackendListenerClient
      a specification of the parameters used by this test which should be listed in the GUI, or null if no parameters should be listed.