Class GUIFactory


public final class GUIFactory extends Object
Provides a way to register and retrieve GUI classes and icons.
  • Method Details

    • getIcon

      public static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass)
      Get an icon which has previously been registered for this class object.
      elementClass - the class object which we want to get an icon for
      the associated icon, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered
    • getIcon

      public static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass, boolean enabled)
      Get icon/disabledicon which has previously been registered for this class object.
      elementClass - the class object which we want to get an icon for
      enabled - - is icon enabled
      the associated icon, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered
    • getGUI

      public static JComponent getGUI(Class<?> elementClass)
      Get a component instance which has previously been registered for this class object.
      elementClass - the class object which we want to get an instance of
      an instance of the class, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered
    • registerIcon

      public static void registerIcon(String key, ImageIcon icon)
      Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the icon.
      key - the name which can be used to retrieve this icon later
      icon - the icon to store
    • registerDisabledIcon

      public static void registerDisabledIcon(String key, ImageIcon icon)
      Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the icon.
      key - the name which can be used to retrieve this icon later
      icon - the icon to store
    • registerGUI

      public static void registerGUI(String key, Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException
      Register a GUI class so that it can later be retrieved via getGUI(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the GUI.
      key - the name which can be used to retrieve this GUI later
      guiClass - the class object for the GUI component
      testClass - the class of the objects edited by this GUI
      InstantiationException - if an instance of the GUI class can not be instantiated
      IllegalAccessException - if access rights do not permit an instance of the GUI class to be created
      NoSuchMethodException - when no constructor can be found on the given guiClass
      InvocationTargetException - when the called constructor throws an exception